

[Pann] Winner holds a touching event for their fans

"We thank you always
Winner exists because Inner Circle exists"

(Source: 이상한나라의 남태 on Youtube)

Source: Pann

1. [+185, -3]  You know what's more freaky and amazing?  Inner Circle fans sent an e-mail to YG representatives asking if they were allowed to do an event during their song 'But'.  However, they didn't reply so we just took that as an answer that we weren't allowed to do one.  The funny thing is Winner themselves did an event during 'But' ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The fact that both Inner Circle and Winner would even think of doing an event during the same exact song is so interesting to me.  I really think Winner and Inner Circle have a special something between them.

2. [+158, 0]  They have translators for them overseas and it must take time and they hold the meetings for an hour and 50 minutes but in Korea they did over 2 hours and 40 minutes... and they held an event for us because they felt sorry that we couldn't see them as much in Korea... As a fan, I was always only used to giving but now that I'm on the receiving end, it feels great.  I love you Winner.

3. [+154, -1]  I'm just a BBC passing by but I'm really touched by that video... I feel like crying when they screamed out they love Inner Circle ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I got interested in Winner because of Mino but I noticed, maybe because it was a group made because of the fans, Winner and their fans really seem to be so loving to each other.

4. [+68, 0]  Fans said that if you go to WWIC, you'll be Winner's fan for the rest of your life...

5. [+62, 0]  This isn't relevant to the post but on an interview Winner said, "I hope Inner Circle becomes Winner and Winner becomes Inner Circle."  They also said they wanted them to be happy and to be a 'winner' in their own goals... I really support this group.  I've never seen such a kind bunch of artists... ㅠ

6. [+62, -2]  Honestly yesterday will remain to be the best memories I'll never forget ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I feel like I went to a concert ㅠㅠ  They sang everything except for the solos and even added other songs like Go Up and JAB... and it was all live!

7. [+59, 0]  What are these guys? How are your live singing so good?  How are you all so handsome?  How can you love your fans so much?  Who are you to make us cry like this?........ Honestly, I've only been thinking of the fan meeting all day ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ When I watch the video again, it makes me cry.  I think from now on, I can't be a fan of anyone else except for them.

8. [+57, 0]  It hasn't been long since their debut and their fandom hasn't been around for that long but they seem like a long-debuted group with the closeness they have with their fans.

9. [+54, 0]  "Don't forget, remember that I'm here..."  I ended up crying during this part... Jinwoo was crying so much that you could hear the Inner Circle's voices during his part... and really... it's so hard to describe how I felt during that moment... 



  1. I literally cried when I read this. Winner has gone through so much and they deserve everything they've earned. Korean incles are like the kindest people ever omg. Winner and Incles relationship is just amazing. Wow. I'm just speechless. Really hope WWIC goes to other countries too though.

  2. i can never love any other group the same way I love winner...

  3. I'm crying so much 😭😭😭 you can tell just how much love winner has for us and how much love we have for them. They got through some hardships thanks to ICs and ICs gain strength by just thinking of winner. In the 6 years that I've been in Kpop I haven't seen a bond so deep and heartfelt ugh I adore them so much words can't even describe it

  4. This is my first ever fandom even though I hv walked around other idol groups but never been a fan before.

  5. Winner x Inner Circle = forever

  6. I've never been a fan of boy groups until these boys. I think the greatest decision I made was when I gave myself a chance to listen to them and get to know them. I am so proud to call myself Inner Circle because these guys are so, so amazing and so, so talented. Now excuse me while I curl myself into a ball and cry....

  7. Thank you. Lol! I actually followed the event on live audio stream and i didnt know what was going on but having a visual to what I heard makes it more emotional.

  8. I cry everytime I rewatch this video T^T
    I wish I was there.
    Inner Circle keep support our babies and make their wish come true.^^
    This is for 2015. Can we give them their wish in december? ^^

  9. I'm GLAD being part of INNER CIRCLE. #WINNERXINNERCIRCLE4Life #ILoveUKangNamKimSongLee >_<

  10. "4. [+68, 0] Fans said that if you go to WWIC, you'll be Winner's fan for the rest of your life..."

    i only listened to the audio stream but i know i will be Winner's fan for the rest of my life too. That part when they all screamed INNER CIRCLE SARANGHAE i------

  11. Thank you for translating! <3 I requested this one Incles. Hahaha you're welcome. :P

  12. U're cute. Thanks^^

  13. I literally cried listening to the stream when they all shouted "inner circle saranghae" T___T
    i had no idea what was happening until i saw the updates

  14. When will WWIC give me a rest? Been crying for 4 days now ;;___________;;

  15. For me I still can't get over WWIC Shenzhen Seungyoon's wet half-naked ,I am just a pervert.

  16. first group that I ever stan this hard n_n
    Winner X Innercircle are the best otp >.<
    stay gold guys :D

  17. I really hope YG was there and has had some time to process and reflect on the absolute outpouring of love between artist and fandom. I've never seen such a bond so quick and it's fierce and loyal and heartwarming to watch. How many times will these boys have to apologize to their fans though YG? You treated the korean fandom like crap but look at them ... 10k filling a stadium for a group that's been debuted for less than 6 months. They've stood by Winner through it all. You do realize this is a special thing right? In all my years of loving Kpop, I've never seen anything quite like it. And Winner are much deserving of this love --they're some of the most humble and nice idols/rookies I've seen.

    Even as an international fan, I will never forget WWICINSEOUL. It was an incredible night.

  18. I hope those fans will never turn their back against winner if they done something wrong in the future. Please stick with them forever okay. Inner circle forever! And of course I really really hope winner will never fucked up!

    Im loving the boys and my fandom! ♡
    && this is beautiful!

  19. Best group, best fandom. So much love for each other. WINNER+INNERCIRCLE is my otp

  20. Winner 😭💕❤💞💖💜

  21. Same ahahaha i never bought merch or else and i did it for WINNER

  22. Damn. I'm crying right now. T.T

    YG, please treat Winner and Incles well. >.<

  23. I was in a different KPOP event that was multifandom in the PH when we saw a picture of them bowing and the ocean too. I showed it to the INCLES I was with because I was about to cry. (and that is equivalent to a normal girl crying coz I rarely cry) and she started bawling she couldn't stop her feels. I can only imagine when they come to our country how many girls would cry their hearts out.

  24. me too, after i watched that event, i have decided that whatever happens...even though Winner's popularity will someday fade, whatever other people will say... even they go through a bunch of dating scandals...

  25. Jenizz | pinkcrown3 February 2015 at 05:52

    ♡ Winner ♡

  26. Every success they've got, they've earned and you can't tell me otherwise.

  27. love them <3

  28. They're the sweetest. . i've been bawling my eyes out over this since that day >_< love them so much! Lets stay with them till the end!

  29. Winner ftw..incles are here to stay with you guys!!

  30. I won't until they actually do something "WORLDWIDELY" T^T

  31. does anyone have a fancam of what comment #9 talked about Jinwoo ?

  32. I doubt that, because they stood by Taehyun when he was rumoured to be an iljin and did the informal speech thing (they weren't exactly wrong things, though) and stood by Mino when the yeoldo thing happened. Even if artists do wrong things and fans leave them, there will always be fans who stay. Like knetz hate on MC Mong all the time, but he still has lots of fans and people who support his music. I hope nothing happens to our WINNER though. I don't want them receiving hate again.

  33. it was during But (Saranghajima)

    here :
    at the end of the vid when seunghoon ran to jinwoo and backhugged him

  34. True! That's why I love this fandom so much. Not only we work hard on voting, we also believe in winner. I hope winner will continue their successful career. They are nice kids and I hope nothing bad happen to them. Fighting winner! Fighting inner circles! :D

  35. The only artist I was a fan of and bought any and every Item, was MJ (RIP) it took me about 4 years to get over the fact that he passed away. I'm still a fan but the pain of losing him was still fresh when i was introduced to Team A... I had promised myself to never stan any artist like I did Mike but it was a lost cause... I never bought a physical album other than MJ's until WINNER! I'm also looking forward to their comeback... I can't wait!!!!

    Winner has that aura that is so unique and just plain pure... their music is so different. I think we (WINNER&INCLEs) have a deep connection cuz we literally went through their difficult times on WIN with them and it started then and there...It's more than being fans... it's like being a family... like Yoon said... we're the 6th member of WINNER!

    I will continue supporting WINNER in the future... And We, Incles will see more of them and their success. <3

  36. Too sweet! I only hope Winner will always have Inner Circle's back likewise with Inner Circle always having Winner's back through thin and thick times.
    Winner is a group hard to hate and easy to love. I cant wait how the journey will be like for many years to come, never losing our intentions as a group and fans.

  37. Try to read this again with this playing on the background... The tears...
