

Sandara Park for 'Singles' magazine

Source: E-daily via Naver, 2015.02.24

1. [+137, -3]  This unnie doesn't age at all... wow;;

2. [+129, -3]  Her aura is amazing... beautiful

3. [+122, -3]  I really like 2NE1... if only it wasn't for that scandal ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Dara unnie fighting

4. [+97, -1]  She's really pretty...

5. [+63, -4]  A face that hasn't been fixed by surgery... now this is beauty!  So beautiful

6. [+48, 0]  I think I'm the one aging for her instead...

7. [+46, -4]  Honestly, she herself is aware that she lacks in singing ability compared to the other members.  It's really nice to see her always giving it her all and working hard.  When I watched their live performance of 'If I Were You', her vocals definitely improved.  Hope everything goes well for her~

8. [+34, 0]  Are they just going to let Sandara age or what?  Let her act more or go on variety shows!



  1. Dara OPPA ily

  2. Riyadh Prawiryo Att24 February 2015 at 01:47

    3rd and 5th is my fav pic for this shoot. 5th pic she looks like chic, baddest, and classic girl

  3. Always nice to see positive comments about her :')
    And #7....yes. Although she may not be as vocally talented as the others she tries her best and has definitely improved throughout the years

  4. Last three pics omg 😍😍😍

  5. Everyone agrees... 😊

  6. 8. [+34, 0] Are they just going to let Sandara age or what? Let her act more or go on variety shows!

  7. This is it! T_T Dara we are ready for you!

  8. 3. [+122, -3]  I really like 2NE1... if only it wasn't for that scandal ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Dara unnie fighting

    If only people didn't use a 4 year old closed case to bring 2NE1 down. If only people focus on their music more than the issue. If only SK gives 2NE1 the amount of recognition they deserve. Yeah....

  9. 2ne1 may be an unbreakable wall but they are as indie as they can get. So great but so underrated. Yes I said that.

  10. seriously I really hate why these people hating 2NE1 as a whole because that 1 controversy

  11. ssshhhhhh. shut up :D

  12. [+48, 0] I think I'm the one aging for her instead...

    HAHAHAHA! This!

  13. Those pics slayed me. I just stared at her for a couple of minutes. Definitely a goddess!!

  14. I probably look older than her even though I'm a decade younger. Lol.

  15. I honestly think park bom deserved more support because the hate she got from that case is really unfair for her. and she can't do nothing avout it. she's in pain. mentally. and haters kept saying she do drug. like hello, she used it as medicine. knetz always bullying 2ne1 :(

  16. kinda a little bit disppointed :
    1- only 16 comments for this article and why so little amount of upvotes (IT IS A DAMN PHOTOSHOOTknetizens , the other articles related to this photoshoot have few comments too ... seriously
    2- I loved her closeup photos well done but what's up with the other pics they look dull (just my opinion) it looks like they rushed things to me
    Anyway , do well in your webdrama good luck

  17. sometimes i think that south korea doesn't deserve 2ne1 tbh

  18. she was in a depressive state and it probably took her a while to be cured and i really do hope she doesn't fall back in

  19. They don't even call her a smuggler, it is "druggie", they call her that. Which is not even what she did ...

  20. ishouldstartlearningkorean24 February 2015 at 10:35

    i seriously love that 2nd to the last photo. It's so bad ass

  21. yeah, they're too hateful to even consider her circumstances at the time. according to knetz she's supposed to be reflecting for the rest of her life...she's not even allowed to wave to her fans in the what's with knetz's obsession over reflection really??

  22. they really don't :( if 2NE1 came from my country I'll be one hell of a proud citizen tbh :(

  23. At last count, there were more than 30 news articles that came out thus views and comments were spread thinly. Dara usually gets a handful for her usual SNS entries but when it's newsworthy she gets a score or more. She's a media darling.

  24. should check how the likes of naver and nate works before complaining. This photoshoot alone got around 40 articles now (that's a lot). 40 articles would mean comments were spread thinly since there were a lot of articles. Also, these articles were posted immediately one after the other (in a matter of seconds).

  25. yg is known for media play so 40 articles is not surprise and believe me i see no wrong with media play it is just for marketing and usually there are more comments and upvotes in naver more than nate for sure , i bet yg press choose the article with more comments and upvotes bcz it is a blog yg biased , i checked few other articles about this photoshoot and there are barely 10 comments that's why i find it kinda sad

  26. Saw your other love to downplay Dara's solo activities..stay pressed dear coz Dara is here to stay <3 I love Dara coz she works hard..
    "Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work." - Stephen King

  27. Fernanda_YGFamily25 February 2015 at 10:41

    This photoshoot is giving me life. LOVE it!

  28. I love Dara too but don't try to shield the fact that this news article doesn't have as many comments or upvotes. Almost every other article out there gets 20+ other versions. Not just Dara's. Just accept that this photo shoot didn't get that many comments or upvotes. Who cares? Top actors or celebrities don't always get that many interest in their photo shoots either. There's other news going on right now that are being given much more attention that's why there isn't much comments on a simple photo shoot-- and it doesn't prove or disprove Dara's popularity, just that this specific photo shoot did not as many upvotes or comments. That's all there is to it

  29. not really dear but if thinking that way is going to make you feel better be my guest, actually i am glad that she finally got a solo photoshoot for a magazine , hopefully she will gets more in future but at the same time makes an impact , take for example lee sung kyung who did a photoshoot for same magazine singles she made an impact and draw attention to her so instead of taking criticism as hating try to understand what i mean , all she needs dara is to find a way to stand out and proves herself especially there is fierce competition btw actresses

  30. I'm happy that she's starting to get out of her shell and began explorIng again. Slowly but surely. This is a woman who knows how to start from the bottom up and has done it twice in her career already. Each time more successful than the last. A phoenix. I'm excited to see where this new start will lead to. I must say I doubted her back in 2004. I doubted her yet again in 2009. But each time she proved me wrong. There is something about her that logic will never understand because it seems like the universe conspire against the odds each time. Like it wants her to be there. To be among the stars and to shine the brightest. With our prayers, let's send her off to her journey again.

  31. 🙏🙏👏👏👏

  32. stay pressed 🐜🐜

  33. Dara does not need to find a way to stand out. She already does. She does not need to compete with other actresses for popularity. She already is. She's not gunning for attention but for respect. That's why her career development plan is taking a different route. It emphasizes the opportunities to gain experience and grow. It takes an extraordinary person to acknowledge that. Humble and wise.

  34. [+46, -4] Honestly, she herself is aware that she lacks in singing ability compared to the other members. It's really nice to see her always giving it her all and working hard. When I watched their live performance of 'If I Were You', her vocals definitely improved. Hope everything goes well for her~

    this comment is so nice to see! but it's kind of weird how sandara gets praised like this while other idols are always criticized for their poor singing

  35. i agree, they should've supported her since she was sick. but weren't the drugs illegal in korea? i think the backlash was because she smuggled them.

  36. as an actress? not yet many koreans acknoledge her as a pretty idol from a famous group that's it she still did not prove herself as an actress so can people takes her seriously ... that's not what i am seeing ,she needs to stand out in order to have a long and successful career in acting , it doesn't matter if she gets web drama or an actual drama she needs to make impact and people takes her and her effort seriously , anyway good luck to her

  37. This issue SOLD OUT. I've read some fans panicking coz they could not find anymore copies.

  38. They always underestimate her. Noticed that, too. But in the end, it works to her advantage.
