Article: [Exclusive] 'Gayo Daejun' GD-CL's hidden rapper... was BewhY
Source: OSEN via Naver
1. [+2809, -60] This is daebak but do you not know the meaning of 'hidden'?
2. [+2511, -100] ㅠㅠㅠ I'm really looking forward to this.. can't believe it's GDxBewhYxCL..
3. [+1542, -80] Hul this is daebak ㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+1194, -82] Kyaa BewhY daebak....
5. [+1073, -64] This is daebak. Definitely gotta watch this
6. [+232, -8] F*ck if it's "hidden" then don't tell us. This would've been so awesome if we only thought it was going to be CLxGD and then suddenly BewhY appears out of nowhere
7. [+238, -13] BewhY is GD's fan, looks like he hit it big ~~
8. [+314, -46] As expected without YG, this Gayo Daejun would only be like a school play ㅋㅋ
9. [+185, -4] Doesn't BewhY like GD? He must be so happy ㅋ
10. [+168, -3] If a collab like the 3 of them were to release a song they'd overpower anything