Source: Pann
Original Post's Views: 152,645
Post Rating: [+220, -22]
"Honestly, everyone, Jo Miyeon is the maknae here, you know? However, she's been a trainee since she was in elementary. One day, she got into a fight with a few people and her face almost got injured. But then she said to them "You guys better know how lucky you are right now. You would have regretted it if you injured my face." The situation got worse between them. The only people who hang around her are people who want her to debut already so they can be "friends with a celebrity". She lived in Incheon when she was younger and then she moved when she said she would debut. If my post becomes a top trend on Pann, I will upload our graduation pictures and I also have a picture with the member from Thailand too. For future reference, they're receiving face treatments like fraxel repair, etc. Her personality is so rude and has no manners. I don't want to see someone like her debut and go on TV. This girl should not debut."
Rumors about YG's New Girl Group, Jo Miyeon
[+97, -17] YG's had its run now. I was a YG fan before but now after seeing them deal with things I've lost my attachment.
[+78, -11] Not her but didn't, what's her name, Jennie? Kim? Didn't she bully some people too? What's wrong with YG
[+74, -12] Her personality is horrible...
[+29, -3] A lot of celebrities these days have so many things in their past that they hide. What are the companies thinking when they select these people? It's obvious that the people they've victimized will write posts like this and have it become a huge issue later on. Please, can they at least look a little bit into their past before they pick them... Imagine how dumbfounded the people they victimized would feel if they saw their pretentious faces (on TV, magazines, etc.)
[+23, -1] This is what they call a witch-hunt. Bad rumors spread from one person's mouth without any evidence. Those who started this rumor are probably laughing at all the people who are falling for this. Then when they prove that it's not the truth later, people still can't stop talking about it and they don't even think of the damage they've done or feel at least 1% of a responsibility to it. That's why the "witch-hunt" is so scary but even as people are aware of it, they just don't stop. What I'm saying is by just reading what we have right now, you would know that this couldn't exactly be true.
[+22, -1] I graduated from the same middle school as her. During our first year, she became a trainee and since then she's been taking care of her image and losing weight. But even before that, I've never seen her do any sort of bullying. Who are you to write something like this without any proof or evidence? And just by the looks of this post with no evidence whatsoever, you seem like a rude, no-mannered person too. I don't have an answer for people who write posts like these. I wasn't close with her. I was only on friendly terms with her but she doesn't deserve to be getting hate because of someone who wrote a post like this.
[+15, -1] Before you post something like this, have some definite evidence first or something. -_-
[+14, -1] One rumor has been born successfully by someone writing on their keyboard!
[+12, 0] You didn't even upload the graduation pictureㅋㅋㅋ Scary how someone can instigate something so fast.
[+11, 0] There's no evidence. The b*tches who believe this are weird.
(T/N: Shit, I saw this last night with less than 1000 views and 2 comments and I was hoping a stupid rumor wouldn't blow up like this but now it's #2 on the top trending posts on Pann. -_-)
[+23, -1] This is what they call a witch-hunt. Bad rumors spread from one person's mouth without any evidence. Those who started this rumor are probably laughing at all the people who are falling for this. Then when they prove that it's not the truth later, people still can't stop talking about it and they don't even think of the damage they've done or feel at least 1% of a responsibility to it. That's why the "witch-hunt" is so scary but even as people are aware of it, they just don't stop. What I'm saying is by just reading what we have right now, you would know that this couldn't exactly be true.
[+22, -1] I graduated from the same middle school as her. During our first year, she became a trainee and since then she's been taking care of her image and losing weight. But even before that, I've never seen her do any sort of bullying. Who are you to write something like this without any proof or evidence? And just by the looks of this post with no evidence whatsoever, you seem like a rude, no-mannered person too. I don't have an answer for people who write posts like these. I wasn't close with her. I was only on friendly terms with her but she doesn't deserve to be getting hate because of someone who wrote a post like this.
i bet you it was a shitty vip who wrote this. first jennie kim, now miyeon. i wish these kimchi bitches would fuck off and stop trying sabotage their debut
I'm more amazed there's ppl defending seeing how easy it is for witch hunts
[+14, -1] One rumor has been born successfully by someone writing on their keyboard!
Butthurt bitches everywhere...
Wow, level-headed comments unlike those in NB...
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