
Bobby and B.I for High Cut

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+944, -93]  Bobby gets more charming every time I see him!

2. [+805, -175]  Wishing B.I & Bobby success

3. [+812, -249]  B.I has a really strong sense of leadership.  I don't even need to mention how adorable Bobby is~ Fighting to the both of them!  Noona's cheering you on

4. [+604, -121]  They both seem so cute to me ㅋㅋ

5. [+551, -135]  I'll always support the both of you.  I can't wait for Bobby's upcoming hip hop project and his debut with iKON next year

6. [+123, -31]  How does Bobby rap so strongly with that adorable face of his?  But it somehow fits...  It's such a strange charm ㅋㅋㅋ You've got to buy your mom that house~ fighting!

7. [+112, -21]  Bobby raps well and he has charming looks... on top of that, he's kind too?   ㅜㅜ  I love him so much

8. [+203, -124]  B.I's dad embezzled over 2.4 billion won.  How many families do you think he's affected?  And the articles about it are getting deleted.

9. [+84, -17]  Bobby!  I'm still replaying YGGR and Bounce.......

10. [+82, -21]  I like both Bobby and B.I but this concept seems way too retro;;;  They look like Sechs Kies


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