
Couple Han Ye Seul and Teddy still going strong

Source: Sports Donga via Naver

1. [+4859, -88]  Daebak ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Their relationship is actually still going strong ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+3886, -485]  Did Teddy save the country in his past life...?

3. [+2835, -282]  I envy these two!  They both deserve each other... wishing them happiness!

4. [+2041, -100]  They look good together though!!

5. [+1745, -136]  She's pretty but... ah...

6. [+412, -29]  Teddy's standard is really high... ㅋ If he somehow breaks up with Han Ye Seul, I don't think any other woman will be good enough for him ㅋ 

7. [+380, -21]  That's great..... Han Ye Seul is beautiful and Teddy's royalties can feed them for a lifetime...

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+238, -48]  Before she became popular again with her new drama, you people were hating on Han Ye Seul saying crap like she's just dating him for the money and now...?  Also, Teddy has great character.  He made hit songs like 2NE1's Lonely, Come Back Home, and much more... so don't even accuse him of plagiarizing. 

2. [+190, -31]  People were talking crap about Han Ye Seul just before she got a new gig.  They said things like she was dating another guy in the States, that she wasn't good enough for Teddy, and with that one gig... she recovered her image completely.

3. [+155, -10]  I don't think we have any business to discuss other people's love life.


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