Source: Instiz
[1] "Just let them style themselves... please"
[2] "Did they have a fight with their stylist or something"
[3] "They could have picked better outfits themselves..."
[4] "What's up with the colour choices too..."
[5] "That's not Winner, what are you talking about?"
[6] "Looks like they're modelling for Uniqlo"
[7] "Nam Taehyun's pose... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
[8] "What is their stylist doing?"
[9] "They look like a bunch of dads meeting up for an office party ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
[10] "I guess their dress code for today was 'Home wear - the happiness and comfort of everyday life'"
[11] "Good thing they're all good-looking... it saves their outfit somehow"
[12] "Um........ look at the size they gave Mino ㅡㅡ"
[13] "Stylist-nim. Come out. Come out right now"
[14] "Just fire their stylist please"
[15] "Please don't do this to such pretty kids like them... I mean..."