"An app called 'Beat' is famous among Inner Circles. You're able to see the songs Winner listens to in real-time. Fans call Nam Taehyun the '2 a.m. Fairy' because he typically goes online at 2 a.m. to use Beat. After slow news days and when the fan meeting finished, he went online at around 2 a.m. again and the fans were touched.
He also left cute comments like this when he shared the songs:
"Nam Taehyun: Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud, 'I fell for this music video.'"
"Nam Taehyun: Maroon 5 - Sugar, 'This song's music video is quite memorable.'"
And the highlight, for those who may not know, we listened to this song 'But' on the day of their fan meeting when they did an event for Inner Circle. I feel so thankful.
"Nam Taehyun currently listening to 'But'"
Taehyun has said himself that he uses 'Beat' to listens to songs that he wants us to listen to. We just felt really touched that he mentioned this.
Also, the song he listened to before 'But' was senior g.o.d.'s 'One Candle' and the lyrics are really touching:
'But that's not the case
So much can happen by lighting that one small candle
I believed that there was nothing else around me
But I discovered another small candle
And when I lit it, they became two
By the light of two candles, I can find more
And two becomes three, and three becomes four
And the darkness disappears [...]'
I don't think I can ever stop being a fan. I think many Inner Circles feel the same way.
Post: 'When a fan gives 10, an idol who gives back 100' [+485, -83]
Source: Pann
1. [+125, -1] Taehyun who becomes teary himself after giving a surprise event to the fans.
2. [+116, -1] Because of 'Beat', I feel a sense of "realness" and warmth because we're communicating through music. I really love it.
"Nam Taehyun on Kim Dong Ryul - My Very Own
It doesn't have to be a lover,
the people by my side right now,
I want to call them 'my very own'.
The people who believe me, support me, and love me.
The reason why I'm happy now
is also because of them, isn't it?
To me, you're all 'my very own'."
3. [+109, -3] He's said before that he uses Beat not just to listen to songs but to share the songs he wants to listen to. He's really such a fan's fan.♥
4. [+56, 0] I at first thought that Inner Circles have it so good since their idols treat them so nicely like this but I realized that Inner Circles also treat Winner very nicely. Not in a direct way but indirectly they work hard not to damage Winner by being careful of their actions. Maybe it's because it was difficult for them to debut but you can tell that they both take care of each other so preciously. I'm really jealous of Winner fans and Winner's relationship the most these days..
5. [+53, 0] Wow... seriously recently there's a lot of other people who treat their fans like crap but he's just amazing... The term 'fan's fan' really fits him. He's good at everything. I hope he never changes and keeps his fans' hearts in his thoughts for a long time.
6. [+50, 0] Taehyun has really amazing timing when he goes on 'Beat'. The day he listened to 'I love u, oh thank u' and 'Happy Together' were days that Inner Circles were having a hard time and when we heard those songs, we almost cried a sea of tears. Becoming a Winner fan seems different, I've liked another idol group for a long time before Winner but it's the first time I'm feeling something like this... There's a line that I love from the song Taehyun listened to today and it's, "Darling, I will be loving you 'till we're 70" I'll always support you Winner!
7. [+49, 9] Taehyun's eyebrows drooping of thankfulness for a fan's gift
8. [+42, 0] One thing that I realized because of 'Beat' is that Taehyun really reads the comments on fans ㅋㅋㅋ What's really interesting is when fans are feeling down, he listens to loving, warm songs on 'Beat'. To be honest, many fans who went to the fan meeting are still lingering and can't stop thinking about the memories of that day. One Inner Circle fan left a comment and asked "I still can't stop thinking about the fan meeting, I'm still like this, I wonder if Winner is feeling the same way". I feel like Taehyun replied since he then listened to 'But' after that. I was really reminded of 'Winner and Inner Circle'. That song has become such a special memory...
9. [+40, 0] Winner exists because Inner Circle exists
10. [+39, 0] Fan's fan
11. [+35, 0] I'm not a fan but when I see celebrities like this, I immediately like them even more. So there was a reason why he's popular. Hope he succeeds.
12. [+34, 0] Taehyun who got touched by a fan event ㅠㅠ