Article: '[Exclusive] YG Yang Hyun Suk in a meeting with KBS... are they in the process of reconciling?'
Source: OSEN via Naver
1. [+1466, -106] Will we finally be able to see YG artists on KBS
2. [+1550, -225] KBS is the one who's lost more since YG got so big ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+983, -89] Oh this is good news. That's right, work with each other
4. [+810, -85] Hope they make up now
5. [+751, -73] Finally???????!!
6. [+146, -9] But even Tablo worked on a KBS program without problems, so I think they'll reconcile
7. [+135, -10] Tablo was on Superman
8. [+132, -15] No matter if the relationship of the two companies is good or bad... the fact is Big Bang is popular
9. [+126, -13] Come on... let's see YG artists on KBS broadcast and end of year programs now too... they're always just on SBS
10. [+121, -15] Yang CEO, I see you in a good light after such a long time. I really hope I'll be able to see YG artists on all broadcast channels. Will I be able to anticipate seeing Big Bang on this week's music bank? Also, please let Big Bang and Winner on some variety shows!!!! I'm dying to see them here... ㅠ