Source: Naver TV Cast
1. [+2196, -115] Why all the comparisons between Big Bang and EXO...... How old are you guys? Just as your age, your thoughts seem to be immature too.
2. [+1880, -88] The reason for Big Bang's long, continued success can be seen here. They're different from other idols that only go with whatever concept is given to them. They're completely into their music.
3. [+1692, -51] The comments saying that Big Bang has been stepped on by EXO made me laugh so much I snorted. Have they been 'stepped on' just because they didn't get #1 on a music program? Since when were music programs that rely on crazy fans' money and text-votes ever been fair? Tsk tsk tsk, even if Cho Yong Pil appeared on the same music broadcast, because of the crazy fans and system process, EXO will still win first place. Then are you going to say that they've 'stepped on' Cho Yong Pil too? That doesn't make sense. This is why a lot of people are angry and say that the age range of EXO fans are very young. How could they not be young? I refuse to believe that mature, older people wrote those comments. Why don't you guys just study for school instead or something? Don't go out of your way to find Big Bang articles and shit crap all over the comments.
4. [+1436, -85] A hell of a lot of people would still attend even if G-Dragon held a concert by himself
5. [+1243, -41] God-Bang's concerts are definitely amazing of course
6. [+1207, -50] Big Bang are 'artists' now
7. [+1048, -30] Heol... would you listen to their live singing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ As expected, my faves are the best
8. [+941, -23] I wish I could go to a Big Bang concert too ㅜㅜ
9. [+934, -54] Even a G-Dragon solo concert would be packed... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
10. [+871, -22] I'm looking forward to the end of the year awards the most. Even with just Taeyang and GD last year, they tore up the stage... but a full-pledged Big Bang comeback with new songs? It's going to be daebak.