Source: Sports Donga via Naver
1. [+111, 0] Seems like it'll be good from the teaser. Dara, fighting. Fighting to Seungyoon too
2. [+106, 0] I'm so excited for Kang Seungyoon ㅜㅜㅜㅜ He's such a good actor
3. [+94, 0] Their chemistry looks fine. Fighting
4. [+87, 0] Just from the kiss on the cheeks, it looks like they won't be taking it as far as the original comic does... what a relief
5. [+80, 0] I love reading the original comic so I'm anticipating this!
6. [+47, 0] Daebak, they do look good together. I'm getting butterflies... Seungyoon's acting is daebak. He's exactly like Ji Wonyoung from the original story
7. [+46, 0] Can't wait for Kang Seungyoon~ Sandara's really pretty as well! I want to watch it now
8. [+44, 0] Finally they released the teaser. I'm so excited for this... they look good from the poster and the video teaser.
9. [+42, 0] I'm excited for the OST
10. [+41, 0] Kang Seungyoon's acting is great and I didn't think they would but they match well together. I'll definitely watch this