Source: Xsportnews via Naver
1. [+72, -8] Obvious that it'll be a good song with great voices! I wonder what they'll come out with? Daebak
2. [+47, -6] They mesh really well together~ ㅋㅋ
3. [+36, -5] Daebak... ㄷㄷ They're a good match ㅎㅎ
4. [+34, -6] Akdong Musician needs to come out with an album soon...
5. [+34, -6] I've been waiting ever since the company dispute. Can't wait
6. [+24, -4] Akdong Musician really gives it their all with music
7. [+24, -4] I wonder how great the song will be
8. [+20, -7] The two do match together quite well ㅋㅋ Isn't there a big diff. in their age?
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